
Monday, August 2, 2010

The 2010 Convention “By the Numbers”

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi’s 2010 Convention, Traditions & Transitions: Responding to a World of Change, involves 13 staff members, 138 chapter delegates, 206 hotel rooms, and 1,400 ordered meals.

Those aren’t the only numbers for the gathering that will take place Friday and Saturday at the Kansas City Airport Marriott, Kansas City, Mo.

In addition, from a technological standpoint, six computers, five projectors, and one printer will make their way from Society headquarters in Baton Rouge, La., to the Convention. So will 150 Partnering for Success binders for chapter officers attending training sessions preceding the Convention and 300 Phi Kappa Phi tote bags, created especially for the occasion, for all. Staffers shipped such materials in 40 boxes, the most and biggest 20” x 20” x 20”, using four industrial-sized rolls of packing tape to do so.

Here are other numbers that make up the Convention:

  • 1 welcome banner, 4’ x 15’
  • 7 former board members attending
  • 13 walkie-talkies
  • 18 dozen cookies and brownies and 20 gallons of coffee for breaks
  • 25 non-delegates attending
  • 26 miles, the shortest distance a chapter delegate is traveling (from University of Missouri-Kansas City)
  • 28 bottles of wine for Saturday’s wine-and-cheese social/reception
  • 120 buffalo chicken eggrolls, 200 meatballs, and 250 petite sandwiches for Friday’s “meet the candidates” reception
  • 8,237 miles, the longest distance a chapter delegate is traveling (from University of the Philippines)
  • 25,000-plus sheets of paper photocopied for Convention-related materials


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