
Monday, August 6, 2012

Weigh to Go!

“If you build it, he will come,” whispers a disembodied voice in the hit 1989 movie, Field of Dreams. The protagonist proceeds to construct a baseball diamond in the middle of his Iowa cornfield to summon a wondrous event.   

“If you send it, they will come,” declares Society headquarters about its own momentous gathering. Last week staffers prepared 91 corrugated cardboard boxes of supplies for a freight truck headed to St. Louis for the 2012 Phi Kappa Phi Convention (taking place on Friday, Aug. 10 and Saturday, Aug. 11), plus Partnering for Success workshops preceding it (on Thursday, Aug. 9) with chapter officers, board members, and headquarters personnel.

The contents, mostly packed in 20 x 20-inch containers, weighed approximately 600 pounds and filled four pallets, held secure in shrink wrap.

Here’s an alphabetical list of many of the items:

Ballot boxes
Board of Directors books
Chapter recognition certificates
Convention bags
Convention books
Council of Students manuals
Expense forms
First-aid kit
Flash drives
Flip charts
Gifts for the outgoing Board of Directors (no spoilers here!)
Goodies for the convention bags (nope, not telling here, either!)
Hand sanitizer
Office supplies
Packing tape
Partnering for Success binders
Phi Kappa Phi budget reports
Phi Kappa Phi merchandise (e.g., backpacks, caps, key chains, letter openers, license plate frames, onesies, paperweights, pens, shirts, ties, umbrellas)
Phi Kappa Phi signage
Seating charts
Shrink wrap
Special T-shirt giveaways
Tickets for events
Wrapping paper

Headquarters also air-mailed two boxes: one comprised of three laptop computers and a projector (39 pounds) and the other of a second projector (eight pounds).


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